The penniless widow sat in her dark, dingy apartment shivering. Her few resources include a well-worn shawl, home-made candles, her favorite rocking chair, companion books and an unused wooden match. Most of her elderly friends are unable to climb the wooden stairs to her second-floor lodgings. A knock at the door startles her and pierces the silence of the secluded room. “Martha, why are you sitting here in the dark. If you would just light the candle, the room would…..
As an RN with 35 years of hands-on experience, I publish with a focus on health and wellness. This posting will have a slightly different twist. I will talk about IPV: intimate partner violence. This describes anyone who experiences violence at the hands of a spouse or partner. An article in American Nurse Today (March 2017) describes this issue as having serious health consequences. Since IPV is physical or sexual violence or stalking and psychological aggression, including coercive acts, by…..
I was overly hungry this particular afternoon. The busy day offering little opportunity for normal meal times. My blood sugar level must have been low because not only was I dreaming of something hot and steamy but also quick and juicy. The vision of a popular food chain that specializes in cooking chicken to perfection immediately popped into my brain. Having previously eaten at this restaurant, I knew that there was one item on the menu which stood out as…..