When we use the power of our mind to perform an action or deliver a response we are making sense. This may seem like an obvious statement but in reality a cascade of reactions occur before a visual action is observed. Most of these reactions are invisible to the “naked” eye. They occur within our brain. A stimulus initiates a response which triggers a cascade – much like a line of positioned dominoes. When the first one tips over, it…..
Am I productive? Pondering this question, gives me a moment of pause. The word productive means – ” having the quality or power of producing esp. in abundance – : effective in bringing about.”(Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus) Each person can interpret that definition for themselves. As I go through my day, I try to determine if there is a positive difference that occurs by the actions that I perform. That is the standard for me when judging my productivity. Interacting with nature,…..
The choice was easy, just tell the truth. She was a good person – didn’t lie or steal. The truth was known to her. She even knew all of the details. There was no mystery to the story. Everything was in plain sight. It would be a good thing. Her conscious fell heavy. Bearing her soul meant that her lifelong, best friend would be convicted of a horrible crime and probably be sentenced to death. No one had actually confronted her…..
What is a brand? Well, most often we think of the large corporate names that filled our visual world every day – Nike, Saltines, Newton, Sherwin-Williams, etc. However, just for a moment take that same idea and bring it a little closer to home. Think of yourself as a brand. How do others see you? When you enter their field of vision what do they see? Are you a trim, put-together person, well dressed, with obvious thought about your wardrobe and…..