When you meet someone their first impression is formed within 3-5 seconds. It’s up to you to determine what molds that impression. Defining yourself is the mark that remains after your first meeting is concluded. What activities do you perform on a regular basis to define yourself? What does someone else see in the first 3-5 seconds of meeting you? Obviously, if you are devoting your time and energy toward positive activities, then the impression will be favorable. Just the…..
Attending my Local Author Showcase proved to be an excellent networking opportunity. I was among a multitude of local authors invited to this professional “meet and greet” affair. The guest speaker was Robyn Carr who offered valuable insights into successful writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. It was quickly obvious that the networking among the assembled talent at this presentation resembled the activity within an active beehive. The local library that sponsored this public event was funded by state, national and…..
Maybe where a person lives determines their health status. Maybe where a person lives influences the factors that cause disease? In the book “Social Determinates of Health – A Comparative Approach” Alan Davidson states “the extent to which something poses a risk to us depends on our level of susceptibility or our resilience.” Maybe our health depends on the combination of where we live and the choices that we make. Leah Curtin, RN, ScD(h) FAAN in her article in American…..
You have followed your dream. You have reached the pinnacle of your career. Only the most prominent people get to sit in the front row seats. You are on view for everyone to see and acknowledge your accomplishments. You are obviously a “doer.” However, there is always a flip side to front row seats. Remember that the rest of the audience is sitting behind you. They are watching you and listening to you. They expect you to lead the way,…..
The month of March is a good time to check-in to see how New Year’s Resolutions are progressing. Everyone has had a few weeks to work out some kinks in their firmness and dedication. There has been time to refine a schedule and determine a routine so that we all should now be fairly well set into a regular cycle of activity. So, how are things going? Obviously, there have been a few bumps and detours along the path with…..