Whatever the situation, we’re intrigued by eye contact. Eye contact increases our pulse rate, decreases our dishonesty factor (we lie less often), increases our adherence to rules and norms and helps us to attend to subtle social cues. In this Covid-19-world there’s a vast array of rapidly changing information. If we attend to relevant information we’re better able to assess our environment and make appropriate personal decisions. We’ve all been there, albeit for just a brief moment, as we unexpectedly…..
Everyone is sequestered during this time of uncertainty. We as humans are helping each other in many ways to weather the unpredictable future. Using all of the parameters of social distancing and medical awareness we can offer helping hands to our fellow man. We can carry groceries to someone who can’t grocery shop for themselves. Using our nimble hands to clean house for a person who has arthritis is a kind gesture. Helping an elderly person with gardening by carrying…..
Walk – to move on foot at a natural unhurried gait. According to Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus many other words accompany this small word – pace, trek, amble, saunter, stroll, wander, hobble, mince, tiptoe, swagger, lumber, shuffle, prance, nip, trip, etc,. So, whether you saunter, amble, or swagger when you take your daily walk during this quarantine time it’s important that you spend some time looking at the area that you walk through. There may be springtime flowers blooming…..