Flowers can be a selfless gift of love and appreciation, a thought of kindness and outreach or of sorrow and reparation. Roses carry their own special quality of thought and class. Receiving roses whether they be red, white, pink, coral or deep, flaming intense purple all have a story to tell. Throughout life occasions occur where roses seem to fit. Roses are the thorny, crowning, blooming, delicate flower in the garden. Roses may be my favorite – take a moment…..
Saying NO isn’t easy – but vitally necessary. Especially true when someone you care for asks you to postpone your physical workout. Your workout routine keeps you healthy not only for yourself but your loved ones. Health, wellness, and vitality is part of being totally present for your family and friends. Truly, if the people in your life want you to be in their life for a long time they’ll understand your “NO.” “I love you, but no.” is a…..