Flowers can be a selfless gift of love and appreciation, a thought of kindness and outreach or of sorrow and reparation. Roses carry their own special quality of thought and class. Receiving roses whether they be red, white, pink, coral or deep, flaming intense purple all have a story to tell. Throughout life occasions occur where roses seem to fit. Roses are the thorny, crowning, blooming, delicate flower in the garden. Roses may be my favorite – take a moment…..
National Nurses Day is designated to fall on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, whose birthday was May 12, 1820, and she is looked to as the foundational philosopher of modern nursing (Costco Connection May/2020). National Nurses Week begins May 6 with National Nurses Day and culminates with International Nurses Day on May 12. This is the most appropriate time to say thank you to not only nurses but all healthcare personnel for their tireless dedication at keeping us all safe…..