Why don’t people report abuse?
Three basic reasons
– HORIZONTAL VIOLENCE – People turn on others in their own lives because to address the abusive authority figure is too painful or too involved and ‘politically-expensive. ‘By ‘politically-expensive’ I mean that any change in the current structure will topple who that person has access to and reporting will change their world.
Possibly, victims or people who observe abuse don’t report because they’ve convinced themselves that they have a ‘different’ memory of the actual event; even though their inner self screams out to them that abuse-is-abuse. Finally, and regrettably, a parent or authority figure may tell a child “You’re always talking about things that never happen.”
Statistics reflect sobering numbers.
As of 2014, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) defines sexual assault as sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under this definition are sexual activities such as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of 2016 estimates that 676,000 children were confirmed by Child Protective Services (CPS) as being victims of abuse and neglect. 1,750 children died from abuse and neglect across the country. Stress and chronic abuse during infancy can cause regions of the brain to form and function improperly. Children who experience abuse are at increased risk for engaging in high-risk behaviors. Child abuse and neglect decrease the ability of people to establish healthy relationships in adulthood.
Intimate Partner Violence (IVP) occurs when an intimate relationship has gotten out of control and, ultimately, life is at risk. (American Nurse, March 2017, Vol. 12, #3)
100 women have been killed by their partners this year in France. (NPR Podcast, September 3, 2019)
Questions to ask if you believe that someone is in an IPV relationship or any abusive situation:
Most police departments have an abuse definition based on their states’ revised statues. As well, each police department compiles abuse statistics. The one for my particular state compiles the following data.
Filing a needed abuse report is one of the most important things you will ever do.