I was listening to an interview with a prominent sports marketing and memorabilia entrepreneur. This person has overcome multiple challenges in his life to become successful. These struggles facing humiliation and embarrassment solidified his purpose at a young age. His focus which was forged into a purpose centers around developing healthy relationships.
It’s obvious that this person is a prominent figure in today’s sports arena. He has strategically developed business relationships throughout his tenuous career. Therefore, he enjoys conversational dialogues with well-known athletes. His personal relationship skills have developed through years of interactions in multiple business ventures.
His personal skills have been finely honed into a detection monitor for the finer things in life. Although money is important and needed for daily existence the real and sustaining value lies closer to everyone’s reach. It is something that can be developed and nurtured by anyone desiring to have a rich and full life. This ‘finer thing’ requires attention to developing problem-solving abilities and upgrading your listening skills.
The purpose of developing healthy relationships is a lifelong skill. It involves struggling with life’s challenges, appreciating your life, trusting in the goodness of people, looking honestly at disappointments, disassembling your old notions of bias and being charitable toward other’s faults. In order to have healthy relationships with people, you have to talk to and interact with people. I know that sounds obvious but the idea can be scary to some people. Often, people who are skilled at playing hardball in the business world find it difficult to interact in the personal arena with others. For some reason, these hard-hitting entrepreneurs find that dealing with another human being on a strictly personal level is terrifying.
However, this terror is quickly overcome when a ‘purpose’ is the main focus. Purpose trumps everything. Especially when you truly care for people you’ll find that if you decide that your purpose is healthy relationships that’s where your focus will be. Fostering your interactions with the people that you care for will melt away all of the incidentals in life. I’m not saying that food or clothing or shelter aren’t vitally important because they are but if you decide that your purpose in life is healthy relationships with yourself and others, the essentials of life will also fit nicely into your life.
The purpose of life is to remember that people are more important than things.