A collection of feelings, thoughts, and memories is formed by our interactions with our extended family, co-workers, and social acquaintances. This collection, this Lines of Listening, is our story of our life from our perspective.
These lines may be weak and barely visible in our mental reasoning. They may pass through our life as a far-off, delicate whisper. However, at times they may be intense and offer a strong, intense influence on every action in our life and be at the forefront of every decision that we make. Whether these Lines of Listening are annoying because we don’t like what they say or enjoyable because we’re reminded of pleasant interactions, we all hear these mental conversations.
What we decide to do with this mental “noise” that enters our emotional realm of detection affects our life. Are we hearing or listening to this conversation? The ability to hear depends on the sensitive anatomy of our body: head, ears, functional hearing structures. However, listening requires us to discriminate the information and mold it into our beliefs to determine how we deal with issues in our life.
Sometimes we want to hear, usually we want to listen. Often we struggle to understand. However, the Lines of Listening are always part of who we are and how we communicate with the world.