We have all been there. Enjoying the full wonders of nature as the earth, temperature, wind and solar system all cooperate to present the ideal environment for us to enjoy the full benefits of nature. We shed our heavy coats, get rid of our wool scarves, hide our gloves, put away our snow boots and leave our insulated pants and socks in the drawer.
Our energy level seems to rise to a fever pitch – mimicking the bursting sap of nature. There’s something about smelling, seeing and experiencing the kaleidoscope colors and scattering scents of nature blooming that inspire us to do the same. We imitate nature and therefore gain energy from being part of the process.
The holidays of the season – Easter, Arbor Day, Mother’s Day, etc., even seem to be “light” holidays. The colors that we chose to celebrate these days are generally pink and yellow and green and blue. We all feel healthier because the environment around us appears healthy.
So, to stay within the spirit of the holiday season, I’m wishing everyone a very Happy Springtime. Enjoy.