The bright lights of Las Vegas will certainly be shining as we celebrate Independence Day. This city seems to take great joy in displaying the ability of expression. Just looking at the glittering lights makes me feel happy. The scene reflects an oasis in the desert which beckons far and wide with possibilities and potential. It’s a part of America that grabs you by the collar and says, “come here and have a good time.”
However, the responsible adult in all of us knows that a “good time” also involves making responsible choices and good decisions. This is what forms the greatness of America. It is a country that offers immense opportunity and possibility while presenting clear and true guidelines for success. Our job, as responsible citizens, is to look at all of our options and pick the right choice, the best fit for our needs. This choice will be the one that keeps us healthy, prosperous and motivated in a positive manner.
So, when you are celebrating your freedom this holiday season, make good choices…